SuperFood List, Mark Victor Hansen, and “MEGA Youngevity”

Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup For the Soul fame) has
just posted a great list of Superfoods in preparation for the
MEGA Youngevity” online seminar he’s about to host.

You may already know about many of these, but Mark’s put these
together in a great summary format that I thought you’d enjoy.

And here’s my challenge to you:

Pick one of these that you wouldn’t otherwise have eaten this week…

Picture yourself picking it up at the store, from a friend, or
ordering it online…

Then picture yourself enjoying it…

And then go do it…

And let me know your own experiences in the comments below.

You may even want to print out this list and keep it in your kitchen
or by your shopping list.

Oh, and be sure to check out Mark’s unique webcast, MEGA Youngevity.
I understand that Art Linkletter has just joined the faculty!

Dr. Ben

14 Superfoods for MEGA Youngevity, Health and Vitality:

1.  Coconut and Coconut Oil: anti-viral, anti-microbial,
    support the immune system

2.  Sardines: (health food in a can!) – high in omega-3,
    calcium and cancer-fighting selenium, no mercury

3.  Blueberries: improve memory, are anti-inflammatory,
    loaded with antioxidants, low in sugar

4.  Wild Salmon: high in omegas, high in astaxathin – a
    super antioxidant, high in protein low in calories
5.  Whey Protein Powder: best source of protein, highly
    digestible, supports weight loss and immunity
6.  Kale: highest antioxidant rating of any vegetable

7.  Green Tea: contains catechins, boosts metabolism,
    helps with weight loss, helps fight cancer

8.  Nuts and Beans: both cornerstones of the diets of the
    longest lived people on earth

9.  Turmeric: the superstar of spices – anti cancer,
    anti-inflammatory and liver protective
10. Pomegranate Juice: helps sexual performance, lowers
    blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, may help with
    arthritis pain

11. Cocoa: high in flavanols, lowers blood pressure,
    high in magnesium, heart healthy
12. Maca: superfood of the Incas – high in protein,
    starches, vitamins and minerals
13. Sea Vegetables: excellent source of alkalizing
14. Green Drinks: high in chlorophyll, detoxifying and
    alkalizing – help purify blood, boost immunity, high
    in antioxidants and anti inflammatories and low in
    calories and sugar

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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